Monday, May 13, 2013

How to Establish Trust

Trust is hard to earn and easy to loose. I was visiting with someone a few years back and said, "I have been at my current position for two years and I don't feel as if I am trusted." My lunch partner said, 'why should people trust you?' It was not an insult, it was not an attack, it was his statement of reality. In any profession, in any relationship trust is essential for growth, communication, work, success and especially reaching ones potential.

1. Trust comes in time - trust is built over time and we can't expect to have it from day one. In any position, especially new positions, people we deal with have been burned before and they are waiting to see if we are going to be a flame the fire, or flame the organizational potential. Don't expect to be trusted overnight.

2. Trust comes by showing up - Woody Allen once said, 'Eighty percent of success is showing up.' Being on time to meetings, at the office at the agreed upon time, returning emails, bringing your attention to meetings are all part of showing up and establishing trust.

3. Trust is knowing your business - There are no shortcuts to learing, and being good at what you do establishes trust. No one knows everyting and each new postion will require new skills, get them as quick as you can. Read, read, read...learn, learn, learn. Interview other people in the field, now, become an expert in your skill and trust will follow.

4. Trust is building alliances - the more people see we are in it to serve and collaborate, the more trust we build. People want to be heard and want to be included. Ask for input, and listen. People trust those who value their ideas.

5. Trust is having character - Henry Cloud wrote, '...who a person is will ultimately determine if their brains, talents, competencies, energy, effort, deal-making abilities, and opportunities will succeed.' Character is built by telling the truth, living by ones values, day in and day out.

I wish there was a quick way to develop trust, but there is not. There is a lot at stake, however when we place a priority on being trust worthy, powerful thigss can happen.

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