Saturday, November 5, 2016

What is Coaching?

I am asked a lot, 'What is this coaching stuff?' Although professional coaching has been around a while, a lot of people have images of an athletic coach, a drill sergeant or a counselor want-a-be when they think of professional coaching. None of these images reflect what professional coaching is or provides.
The International Coach Federation uses the following definition of the coaching process: Professional coaches provide an ongoing partnership designed to help clients produce fulfilling results in their personal and professional lives. Coaches help people improve their performance and enhance their quality of life.

The definition of coaching I prefer is : Coaching is a partnership that turns hopes and dreams into plans and progress.
In the true sense, a professional coach can help someone by listening, asking questions, giving attention to goals and helping them devise a game-plan to win at life.
Some topics for coaching:
How do I develop a spiritual growth plan?
What is the best way to set goals for my employees?
How can I improve my relationship with my brother?
What do I do to add value this week to my team?
How do I worry less?
You can see the potential coaching topics are endless, and they are decided by the coachee! That is the beauty, the coach is not dictating what the coachee should do, but together they are discovering a plan of action to tackle the need. Very, very cool indeed!  

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